Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One more

...before I go to work. Can't pass this one up...

skippy writes:

try to follow this...

we don't think a second about taking a democrat to task for acting in an undemocratic way which runs against established democratic values.

but when we do it to fellow bloggers (ie take them to task for acting etc etc) then we are called "meta" and "boring" and "unproductive" etc etc etc.

as i've said elsewhere, my traffic has not suffered literally not at all at all by being dumped from dkos atrios & the others. it doesn't affect me one whit.

but it affects blogtopia and yes i coined that pharse a great deal.

no longer are we seen by ourselves and the world at large as a force with consistant goals. now it's pretty obvious we are just a bunch of people, the only common denominator is we all have computers and aren't afraid to use them.

i will take back what i said about getting dumped not affecting me. it affected me a great deal. i used to think i was part of a movement, of a great historical sea change in democracy.

then i realized kos, and to a lesser extent, duncan, didn't believe what they were saying about regular citizens taking back their governemnt.

what they wanted was regular citizens to help them force open the door so they could get a seat at the table with the government.

they have become the very thing that they previously eschewed: elitist, non-communicating pundits who can't be bothered to dialogue with ordinary americans about their policies.

we hate deborah howell and howie kurtz for the same attitudes...but somehow we're supposed to give markos, and to a lesser extent, duncan, a pass for being so elitist?

i think not.

1 comment:

Tommy Lee said...

I am afraid that this statement is not correct "

we don't think a second about taking a democrat to task for acting in an undemocratic way which runs against established democratic values.
aerobic dvds.