Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Buckeye State Blog teams up with BlogPac

Here's the post explaining Jerid's decision.

Thank You for Visiting BSB - A Proud Member of the BlogPac and Net-roots Com-mun-ity

It sounds like he put a lot of thought into it, and it was his decision to make. I did try to weigh in last night, but I'm not sure I was able to make myself incredibly clear. That it's not about thinking it's "selling out" to accept BlogPAC's offer, but that there are more complex reasons I don't like the idea.

I do still want to move forward with the Independent Bloggers' Alliance idea. Just not tonight.

1 comment:

Tommy Lee said...

I am afraid that this statement is not correct "AI did try to weigh in last night, but I'm not sure I was able to make myself incredibly clear.
aerobic dvds.